Alcool Consumption among University Students

Alcool Consumption among University Students






Luís Henrique Oliveira Souza1
Stifanny Brenda Alves dos Santos2
Stenio Fernando Pimentel Duarte3
Flávio Mendes de Souza4



1 Student of the Pharmacy Course of the Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - Fainor
2 Student of the Pharmacy Course of the Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - Fainor
3 Professor at the Pharmacy Course of the Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - Fainor
4 Professor at the Pharmacy Course of the Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - Fainor




Abstract: The consumption of alcoholic beverages brings problems consequently among university students, they are worrisome data, due to the concentrations of alcohol ingested on one occasion, Possibly the students, ends up losing the notion of controlling the use of alcohol, in events like parties, bars, because there are pleasant factors that lead to consumption, as a sensation of euphoria, a sense of happiness and relaxation, and social disinhibition. METHODOLOGY: This study is a systematic review, focusing on the consumption of alcohol among university students of health courses, where research will be identified in a relevant way. Articles from the year 2014 to 2017 were selected. RESULTS: The studies analyzed confirm the existence of alcoholic beverages among students, comparing them with abusive use, whose results have consequences for the individual. In this study on the alcohol intake among college students establishes a result with high index of students who use alcoholic beverages. With regard to the results, the students were considered low alcohol risk in the 18 articles, and also those who did not use alcohol. Observing an average of (69.87) those who use alcoholic beverages, and (28,18) those who do not use alcoholic beverages. CONCLUSION: Through information, in relation to low-risk consumption, it is important to emphasize the young people about the alcohol issue, to intervene in a transparent way, to facilitate understanding, demonstrating the importance of preventing the diseases caused by lawful or unlawful drugs.


Keywords: university, alcohol, consumption.








Resumo: O consumo de bebidas alcoólicas traz problemas consequentemente entre universitários, são dados preocupantes, devidamente pelas concentrações de álcool ingeridas em uma ocasião, Possivelmente, os estudantes, acaba perdendo a noção de controlar o uso do álcool, em eventos como festas, bares, baladas, pois existem fatores agradáveis, que levam o consumo, como sensação de euforia, sensação de felicidade e descontração, e da desinibição social.  METODOLOGIA: O estudo elaborado do artigo trata-se de uma revisão sistemática, tendo como foco o consumo de álcool entre universitários dos cursos de saúde, onde as pesquisas serão identificadas de forma relevante. Foram selecionados artigos do ano de 2014 até 2017. RESULTADO: Os estudos analisados confirmam a existência do uso de bebidas alcoólicas entre os estudantes, comparando-o com o uso abusivo, cujos resultados geram consequências ao indivíduo. Neste estudo sobre a ingestão de álcool entre universitários estabelece um resultado com índice alto de estudantes que utiliza bebidas alcoólicas. Com relação aos resultados, foram observados nos 18 artigos, estudantes que fazem o consumo de baixo risco de álcool, analisando também aqueles que não fazem o uso. Observando uma média de (69,87) aos que utiliza bebidas alcoólicas, e (28,18) aos que não fazem o uso de bebidas alcoólicas. CONCLUSÃO: Por meio, das informações, em relação ao consumo de baixo risco, tonar-se evidente salientar os jovens sobre o determinado assunto a respeito do álcool, intervir de forma transparente, para facilitar o entendimento, demonstrando a importância da prevenção dos agravos causados pelas drogas licita ou ilícitas.

Palavras chaves: universitários, álcool, consumo.







Alcohol is a legal drug, being a psychoactive substance most commonly used in the world, which brings health hazards in society, hence the exaggerated use of alcohol causes harmful health effects, however the individual hardly cares about consequences that alcohol can result in their own body. (GOMES,2014). The use of psychoactive substances is concerning to public health, where the use of alcohol is linked to cultural patterns, intervening in the way people use alcohol, being overweight in use, you can get to addiction. (GAYA,2015).

Alcohol is a chemical that reduces the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS). The use of long form can cause changes in several neurotransmissores systems in the brain, including the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, N -methylD-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, dopamine and norepinephrine. (BRAGA DAYSE,2016). Particularly alcohol, has its biphasic effect, presenting a depressant activity, which slows down the functioning of the CNS, taking place slowly and stimulating action, which is the feeling of euphoria. (CARNEIRO,2014).

The alcohol consumption causes problems among college consequently, are data worrying properly by alcohol concentrations ingested on one occasion (SILVA-2015), .Alcohol has euphoric and depressive action, being consumed in an exaggerated way, it can lead to the state of intoxication, occurring damage to health and affecting the quality of life of students who douse.( CARNEIRO, 2014).

Possibly students, ends up losing the concept of controlling the use of alcohol at events such as parties, bars, ballads, as there are pleasant factors that lead consumption, such as feeling of euphoria,feeling of happiness and relaxation, and social disinhibition . In these events, the ease of access to alcohol is inevitable, favoring consumption. Therefore, become frequent the association of alcohol with other illicit drugs.(JÚNIOR, 2015).

To enter higher education, students experience new experiences, new friendships, representing a phasechange.It is one of the stages of this phase change, the use of alcohol, where the student can be influenced to use, and present behavior changes, problems with family, or even social problems (JÚNIOR-2015). It grows increasingly, the student number that make alcohol consumption, ease of access to alcohol is inevitable, so is the most consumed drink by the university, which is the main cause of damage to health. (SILVA, 2015).


For many students, it is difficult to fully overcome the lack of a collective structure or emotional support, can lead to loneliness, sadness, anguish, personal discomfort, academic problems, among others. As these causes, strategic to try or make alcohol consumption, it increases the likelihood of abuse (JJA-Santos, 2014). Generally, the student's first year of graduation is the alcohol common form of consumption,usually before the university did not consume alcohol, probably this happens because some motivations that lead to alcohol abuse. (TUCCI, 2016).


Consequently the use of alcohol brings problems affecting health, among which can cause disorders such as violence, suicide and traffic accidents, infectious diseases, unprotected sex and clinical depression. (PEREZ, 2014). Therefore, to promote the health of students, it is important discussions about alcohol consumption, raising awareness of the issue, preventing the aggravation of problems related to the consumption. (JÚNIOR, 2015).


Porting, this article aims to identify alcohol consumption among college students, through a systematic review. Thus, it becomes important this study because it helps in the understanding between the university and the planning of cautious measures in appropriate health in academia.








The study prepared the article, it is a systematic review, focusing on alcohol consumption among college students of health courses, where research will be identified in a relevant way. (RABELO, 2017). The sources consulted were through research in electronic databases Google Scholar, this research base is used to assist in academic research, providing specific tools for the purpose of the researchers find it in the academic literature. (COSTA, 2010).  


Research articles were identified that addressed the criterion study, whose theme the alcohol consumption among college students, emphasizing in this study was defined the Portuguese language, in which the works were written, to carry out the research.


The search for articles occurred in September 2017, covering the queried terms, alcoholism and university health and alcohol and pharmacy university.selected 27 articles from 2014 to 2017. The inclusion criteria used original articles, the last three years of publication, were selected 18 articles. The criteria of exclusion were studies that did not respond to the objective of this review, as, thesis, dissertation, unpublished works, articles published in other languages that was not Portuguese.








The analyzed studies confirm the existence of the use of alcohol among students, comparing it to the abuse, the results which generate consequences to the individual, and were predominantly published in the years 2014 to 2017.


The articles selected were applied this work, constituting a result of alcohol consumption relations between university, the articles were arranged in table 1, total 18 articles, with title description, author, year of publication, objective, consumption and no consumption of alcohol. In the Table 2, brings the demonstration in percentage of articles chosen on the proposed theme for the year 2014 were found 10 items, totaling (55.56%), while in 2015 found 6 items with percentage (33, 33%), and in 2016 two articles were obtained with the percentage (11.11%).














Alcohol consumption among health care students: implications for professional practice



identify the pattern of alcohol consumption among health academics and discuss their implications for professional practice.



alcohol consumption patterns in students from the University of Aveiro: Relationship with risk behavior and stress



present data on the prevalence of alcohol consumption among students,sure that the highest consumption are associated males, or the highest alcohol consumption are associated with displaced students from your area.



alcohol consumption betweenUniversity



analyze alcohol consumption among college course management of a private institution of higher educationthe city of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais



Consumption excessive alcohol, smoking and associated factors inrepresentative sample of students from Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2012: cross-sectional study

in 2014


estimate the prevalence of excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and associated factors.






assess risk behaviors related to alcohol and other drugs among university students.



Alcohol consumption and the quality of life of healthcare university

in 2014


characterize the university's health, accordingsocioeconomic conditions; identify alcohol consumption and quality of life in higher education institutionsthe interior of São Paulo.



Brief Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption and its Consequences for University StudentsBrazilian



evaluate the pattern of alcohol consumption and its consequences, before and after applying the BASICS intervention in a sample of Brazilian college students.



Standard of Alcohol use Among College Students Health Area



Identify the pattern of alcohol use among students of health courses of a specific university and trace the socio-demographic profile of these students.



Profile of alcohol consumption, tobacco and marijuana among undergradu ate nursig college of education and enverionment- FAEMA



Identify drug consumption profile among academics, in order to contribute to the development public policies to minimize the negative consequences of this consumption.



problems associated with alcohol consumption in university students



analyze alcohol in college students and the associated psychosocial problems.



Common mental disorders and alcohol consumption and tobacco between a public university nursing students in Brazilwestern Amazon

in 2014


identify the prevalence of common mental disorders and consumption of alcohol and tobacco among students nursing a public university in BrazilWestern Amazon



lifestylerelated health of college students: comparison between freshmen and



analyze the lifestyle of college students of a private educational institution Brazilian higher as well as the differences between the entering and graduating students.



Alcohol consumption among college students. Let´s discuss this idea?



evaluate the alcohol consumption among college students of health courses and describe the need of specialized care to college with alcohol consumption by problems, according to the view of academics.



Drug use associated with risk behavioruniv ersity.



assess risk behaviors related to alcohol and other drugs among university students.



Standard of University Students in alcohol consumption (Freshmen) and Difference betweenGenres



Evaluate the pattern of alcohol consumption among freshmen, compare consumption between genders and identifying the most vulnerable groups alcoholrelated problems.



Alcohol consumpti on in body adiposity student university



investigate the influence of alcohol consumption on body adiposity in university students.



cross-sectional study on the use of risk of alcohol in a sample of students from a Brazilian federal university

in 2014


evaluate the pattern of alcohol consumption among students of a Brazilian federal university, identifying the most vulnerable groups the problems related to alcohol use and associated factors.



Exclusively  courses university for drug use night FOR DRUG USE




Check the frequency of drug use by college night courses exclusively a mining Federal University








Table 2





















The impacts of alcohol intoxication occur when there is an increase of alcohol concentration rises in the blood stream and central nervous system (CNS), predominantly the excess usage brings sucheffect. Because alcohol isdepressant CNS, changes occur in the neurotransmitter system, causing changes in mood, impairment in motor coordination and postural control, among others. As the alcohol absorbed in the stomach and small intestine. (GONÇALVES, 2014).


When alcohol is consumed, through the metabolism process in the liver, where there is an enzyme to perform the metabolization process, the enzymeand dehydrogenase alcohol(ADH), which will turn the alcohol into acetaldehyde and this is oxidized by aldehyde dehydrogenase, converting acetate, which will release carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Since oxidized by aldehyde dehydrogenase in acetic acid, thus facilitating the occurrence of acidosis. Thus reduced the excretion of uric acidthe urine. (REIS, 2014).


Alcohol absorption occurs quickly and effectively throughout the body, its rate of absorption becomes dependent on the amount of alcohol consumed, or if the person is fasting or not. Where the person is fasting is easier to get drunk, when alcohol reaches the stomach, is the process of degradation by gastric juices, accelerating the absorption of alcohol in the body, when lack food to digest, does not occur this process, alcohol arrive faster in the bloodstream, and the person gets drunk faster. (COSTA, 2013).


In this study on alcohol use among college establishes a result with high rate of students who use alcohol. Regarding the results, it was observed in 18 articles, students who make use of lowrisk alcohol, analyzing also those who do not use. Watching an average of (69.87) to those who use alcohol, and (28.18) to those who do not make use of alcoholic beverages.


The AUDIT was used ascollection tool in the articles, and a test that checks for problems related to alcohol consumption, identifying the sort of people who use alcohol and is classified as low risk, high risk and dependency status. It was found through the ranks of the AUDIT, a great rate in the consumption of low risk in college students.


Considering that the consumption of lowrisk alcohol is less harmful to the individual, possibly the use of alcohol often generates dependency, related to the use of excessively and may cause problems to health. However, with a small amount of alcohol, it begins to make euphoric effect, favoring the socialization of the individual. In viewthe alcohol as an exhaust valve to raise its high esteem.


The articles show that the academic higher education, make alcohol consumption in greater quantities than the high school students, due to the displacement of their families, friendships, celebrations, among others. Through these causes can influence the use of alcohol, becoming constant in the life of the university. As reported the classification of the AUDIT, the consumption of low risk can lead to abuse and get to the point of becoming dependent.


These data presented in the result set that easy access to alcohol consumption, has become a routine, in either university, need to make the use of alcohol at an event to stimulate the effect it brings, such as euphoria, feeling good mood, social disinhibition and sense of well-being, among others, making a positive, encouraging its use.


University academics are highly susceptible to alcohol use, studies show that the ease of access to alcohol is a way to have a large percentage of individuals who make use, where there are also situations that lead to use, it has become a major concern in public health. Researchers reveals that this situation is due to various causes, mainly dealing in university students, where they are exposed to various factors such as loneliness, sense of freedom, or to meet any need.


Another aggravating factor is the use of alcohol associated with other drugs, some researchers show that alcohol motivates and encourages the use of certain illicit drugs, such as tobacco, cocaine, marijuana, crack. Thus, data are worrying for public health, where the individual become brittle to this risk.


We emphasize the importance of health promotion in order to prevent alcohol consumption by students, exposing the risks that can happen when you use alcohol, with the emphasis the reasons why alcohol consumption, thus informing young people to have a better quality of life, and a good academic performance.








This study is relevant, given the frequency that students make the alcohol consumption, increasing the percentage of individuals who are vulnerable to alcohol dependence. Therefore, it is worth noting the importance of disclosures about the proposed theme for the building of knowledge, constituting fight the problem related to the use of alcohol.


Noted that young people are vulnerable to the use of licit or illicit drugs, it causes serious health problems, it is an aggravating problem. By means of the information in relation to the consumption of low risk, behold become clear highlight young people about the particular issue regarding alcohol, act transparently, to facilitate understanding, demonstrating the importance of prevention of injuries caused by drugs licit or illicit.







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